Freshers often feel “lost” in the first few months of moving to Prague due to the new environment, new language, and new work-load - it can be quite overwhelming! However, our buddy program aims to make the transition as stress-free as possible.

The Pelican Buddy Program offers a support network based on a mentor or buddy system, in which upper year students assist incoming international students at LF2. The goal of the program is to facilitate the integration of international students into student society and life in Prague. It is a student-oriented initiative designed to help our new students with their cultural, academic, and language integration in the Czech Republic.


Based on similarities in interests and backgrounds, small groups of freshers will be assigned to a friendly, caring and motivated upper year student whose role will be to help with settling down into life as a medical student at LF2 and in Prague. The program will be based on an opt-out system such that no one gets left out, while those who might not be interested in the program still have the choice of whether or not to participate.

Pelican buddies aim to support incoming students in all aspects of their student experience here - from enhancing academic experiences to promoting positive mental health. Our goal is to provide our students with a significant opportunity to gain insights into new cultures and lifestyles, practice their language skills, and build up their international networks all while facing the challenges and joys of a new environment.

Note: This program is not intended to help you with various administrative procedures or financial support. For more information regarding those services, please contact the Study Department.

Are you feeling a little off track and need some support? Or are you an upper year student who wants to be a buddy? Please contact us at